(1) 中药活性成分发现与作用机制研究;
(2) 基于组学技术和网络医学框架系统揭示中药治病机理。
(1) 成分谱-靶点谱-互作网络探究蒲公英治疗三阴乳腺癌的药效物质与作用机制,国家自然科学基金青年科学基金,82104363,2022/1~2024/12,30万,在研,主持
(2) 蒲公英效应物质及其协同抗肿瘤作用机制研究,河北省高等学校科学技术研究青年拔尖人才项目,BJK2024153,2024/01 ~2026/12,10万,在研,主持。
1. Yu T, Chen JM, Liu W, Zhao JQ, Li P, Liu FJ*, Jiang,Y* Li HJ*, In-depth characterization of cycloartane triterpenoids and discovery of species-specific markers from three Cimicifuga species guided by a strategy that integrates in-source fragment elimination, diagnostic ion recognition, and feature-based molecular networking, Journal of Chromatography A, 2024, 1728: 465015.
2. Liu FJ1, Chen XY1, Yang J, Zhao Z, Wang QL, Li P, Jiang Y*, Li HJ*. Revealing active components and action mechanism of Fritillariae Bulbus against non-small cell lung cancer through spectrum-effect relationship and proteomics. Phytomedicine, 2023, 110: 154635.
3. Liu FJ1*, Yang J1, Chen XY, Yu T, Ni H, Feng L, Li P, Li HJ*. Chemometrics integrated with in silico pharmacology to reveal antioxidative and anti-inflammatory markers of dandelion for its quality control. Chinese Medicine, 2022, 17: 125.
4. Liu FJ, Jiang Y, Li P, Liu YD, Yao ZP*, Xin GZ*, Li HJ*. Untargeted metabolomics coupled with chemometric analysis reveals species-specific steroidal alkaloids for the authentication of medicinal Fritillariae Bulbus and relevant products, Journal of Chromatography A, 2020, 1612: 460630.
5. Liu FJ, Jiang Y, Li P*, Liu YD, Xin GZ, Yao ZP*, Li HJ*. Diagnostic fragmentation-assisted mass spectral networking coupled with in silico dereplication for deep annotation of steroidal alkaloids in medicinal Fritillariae Bulbus, Journal of Mass Spectrometry, 2020, 55: e4528.
6. Liu FJ, Liang D, Miao LY, Li P, Li HJ*. Liver-specific metabolomics characterizes the hepatoprotective effect of saponin-enriched Celosiae Semen extract on mice with nonalcoholic fatty liver disease, Journal of Functional Foods, 2018, 42: 185-194.
7. Liu FJ, Zhu ZH, Jiang Y*, Li HJ*. A pair of cyclopeptide epimers from the seeds of Celosia argentea. Chinese Journal of Natural Medicine, 2018, 16: 63-69.